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Back In School -- TO STAY!

Back To School

Primary Focus:  Stop truancy


Program Description

  • One-day workshop facilitated by community leaders, judges and business representatives

  • Provides training to youth on how to stay engaged in class

  • Facilitates parenting skills for parents

  • Offered three weeks prior to the beginning of each school year

  • Accommodates 200-400 youth and parents per session


Kids Off The Streets

Kids Off The Streets

Primary Focus:  Drugs and alcohol prevention and an appreciation for outdoor activities and healthy lifestles


Program Description

  • Overnight campout in tents

  • Horseback riding, angling, rock climbing, archery, bon fires, hay rides, games, and more

  • Life sessions including bullying, human trafficking, drug and alcohol prevention, health, college preparation, men 2 boys and women 2 girls interchange, etc.

  • Accommodates 250-300 youth; 15+ trained staff; more than 100 volunteers


Peer To Peer Leadership

Peer To Peer

Primary Focus:  Deter engagement in criminal activities


Program Description

  • Educate a select group of youth on dangers of alcohol and drugs and other criminal activities

  • Used previously trained youth to educate new youth and parents

  • Using proven techniques, train youth to utilize their voice to gain a competitive edge

  • Use the courts, justice systems and other methods to add validity for acceptance of information and training


Youth In Leadership

Youth In Leadership

Primary Focus:  Develop leadership, professionalism and business skills


Program Description

  • Provide training, mentoring and opportunities through use of effective communication tools

  • Provide opportunities for youth to participate in music, poetry and culinary arts as an added incentive for wanting to participate

  • Teach youth to take responsibility, express themselves and appropriately handle problems and difficult situations

  • Teach the essence of leadership through youth group chats, public speaking through appreciation of music and poetry

  • For youth 7 - 15 years old

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